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Why My Website is Nothing Fancy

As you have likely noticed, my website, the one you are currently reading this blog post on now, is rather... plain

It’s not due to any technical incompetence, I assure you

So you may be asking then, why?

My Reasoning

When I created this website, I set out for it to be plain on purpose

I went for a design that sorta resembles what you might find on some Gemini pages

I also wanted it to be quick to load

With a lack of fancy images on every damn page, no JavaScript trying to load, no analytics hogging bandwidth, site loads pretty quick, don’t it?

In my opinion, that’s how it should be!

Images, especially large ones, can make a page load slower, plus there’s the added bandwidth and data consumption

JavaScript is evil in my opinion, due to how it can be (and a not-insignificant amount of times is) used in rather malicious ways, plus I just don’t like it

Analytics have their place, don’t get me wrong, however most of the time they end up being through either Google’s or Facebook’s offerings, which leads to more of your data being hoovered up by these mega-corps and shared or sold to others without your consent

So How do I Have My Website Setup Than?

I type out everything in Markdown, and use a script to recursively convert the Markdown files into HTML using pandoc, and have that content placed in the desired spot and outputted to an index.html file where I want it

I don’t use any JavaScript nor analytics, period*

I have any images that would normally be in something like, say, a blog post, as a link to that image, denoted by “[IMAGE]”, followed by a short description of what that image is, where I would have liked that image to be placed if it was present inline

That does mean that one would need to click on the link to that image to load it, which would then take them to just that image inside their browser, requiring them to hit the “page-back” button to return to the prior page, but honestly I don’t see a problem with that

I also have a black background for every page setup, along with white text, as I am a fan of dark modes, white backgrounds hurt my eyes, and for contrast purposes

All links are also colored yellow, and change to a light blue when hovered over, 1) because I like the colors and 2) they contrast nicely against the black background

I also use monospace for the font, as I find it easier to read, plus I just like it

That it?

Pretty much

I would like to add one more thing though: LibreOffice I should not have to add the word “analytics” into your dictionary it is an actual word for crying out loud


_* I cannot speak for anything that my hosting provider collects, which considering that this site is currently hosted on a VPS, and is just code being served by Apache2, there shouldn’t be any cause for concern_

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License