Git repo for my website
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
  3. <channel>
  4. <title>
  5. easthighNerd Cast
  6. </title>
  7. <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
  8. <link>
  10. </link>
  11. <language>
  12. en-US
  13. </language>
  14. <lastBuildDate>
  15. Mon, 26 Dec 2022 05:09:36 +0000
  16. </lastBuildDate>
  17. <description>
  18. A podcast about nothing really
  19. </description>
  20. <image>
  21. <url>
  23. </url>
  24. <title>
  25. easthighNerd Cast
  26. </title>
  27. <link>
  29. </link>
  30. </image>
  31. <item>
  32. <title>
  33. S01_E01 - Git Rambling Now
  34. </title>
  35. <link>
  37. </link>
  38. <pubDate>
  39. Mon, 26 Dec 2022 05:10:00 +0000
  40. </pubDate>
  41. <description>
  42. It's season 01, episode 01 of the easthighNerd Cast
  43. In this episode, I ramble about how I've got this whole thing setup so far
  44. I use a mixture of Audacity, Git, and a custom shell script and config files to hold this whole thing together
  45. I also talk about getting this script of mine put up on my Gitea
  46. </description>
  47. <enclosure url="" type="audio/ogg" length="6534832" />
  48. </item>
  49. <item>
  50. <title>
  51. S00_E00 - Feed Filler Introduction
  52. </title>
  53. <link>
  55. </link>
  56. <pubDate>
  57. Mon, 26 Dec 2022 03:00:00 +0000
  58. </pubDate>
  59. <description>
  60. It's season 00, episode 00 of the easthighNerd Cast
  61. In this episode, we're populating the RSS feed
  62. We're also testing out the script I made for producing and updating the feed's XML file
  63. We'll also see how good my initial attempts at audio editing are
  64. </description>
  65. <enclosure url="" type="audio/ogg" length="3676469" />
  66. </item>
  67. </channel>
  68. </rss>